
Showing posts from December, 2011


Its been forever since I blogged and that's largely because of the high standards I set for myself when I started this blog. As the name implies this is all about being creative and for the last few months I have been lagging in that department. However, I thought of an idea that I fell in love with. Its a mixture of novel, script and stage play writing. It circles almost completely on dialogue and it refers to real people (something that would probably get me sued if I was a big-shot, but since am a small dude in a large pond, its all Its also the first story I've written that's not based in Africa. This one is set in USA. Hope someone enjoys it. :) *Tom walks into Talent Manager’s office* Talent Manager: Tommy, Tommy my boy, please take a seat. Tom: Just Tom would do. *Tom sits down* Talent Manager: Ah, nonsense, Tom is for the nobodies, but Tommy is reserved for those closest to your heart. Tom: But, I’ve only known you for a week? Talent Manager: So? Real ...