
Showing posts from April, 2012

Why The Heck Do We Love Stories?

For millenniums mankind has been captivated by the essence of a story—writing on walls, canvas, paper, sand, tress, and anything that was convenient. If art proved to be a medium not strong enough to carry a particular story man resorted to oral tradition—that is telling stories by word of mouth. The brilliance of storytelling knows no culture or age or ethnicity. I think it is safe to say that everyone is drawn to it. Hollywood and the fiction publishing industry, which is still going strong despite fierce competition from things like music and video games, would attest to that. So, what is it about storytelling that leaves human beings so drawn to it? How is it that ancient stories like Troy that were written by Greek writer Homer still ring true to many people or that parables taught by Jesus about two thousand years ago still have people learning from them? Well, I feel the answer (or answers, because I feel it comes in two closely related pieces) is simple: 1  ...