Introducing: "Parables of Souls"
It’s been a while since I blogged due to a lot of technical difficulties (well mostly laziness)…But now I should be back to blogging more often, thanks in part to my new found internet service and a sudden hit of revelation. Starting this week I will be posting at least one story each week under a collection am calling “Parables of Souls”. Those who have followed my writing know that I usually play in the fields of psychological thrillers with exception to one or two undertakings. However, with Parables of Souls, I diverge into the world of Drama, dealing with relationships and their various facets. Don’t expect the customary ‘cry a bucketful’ kind of stories. My writing and tackling of the subject matter will be experimental and hopefully entertaining. I promise twists, compelling plots and grandiose stories, but most important of all a platform for healthy dialogue on issues. Parables are penetrating knives of reality that shatter illusions but only a certain type penetrates ...