Parables of Souls # 2: My Anchor
The Priest blared through his homily on that hot October Morning with about as much oratory skill as an eight year old kid. In my twenty-two years in the Catholic Church I had learned to expect as much. To keep from dosing I would usually daydream. However, that morning, because of a terrible headache from a brutal hangover I was trying to get rid of courtesy of the night before, I decided against it. It would be too much work, I just blacked out into the realm of thoughtlessness. Before I knew it the Father was done and it was time for the profession of faith (creed). We all stood up and on cue began to profess. I knew the thing so well the words rolled off my tongue without any thought or any conviction either. We sat down and the Father did things I paid little attention to. Then, shortly after, the most interesting part of the service began—Offertory. Why? Simple, it was the time when many of those congregated in the chapel walked to the altar with their offering. Each ...