Magnifire may be short in stature but that man's talent & heart propel him to lands even giants dare not step. I was fortunate enough to interview the young man. This is the interview below: Why spoken word? Why spoken word? Rather why not spoken word?? It’s the purest and rawest way to artistically communicate. It’s direct and as a spoken word artist, on a stage with a mic, I have the opportunity to be a voice—voicing God and people. Doing it fearlessly cause am able to say stuff most are scared to say. WHEN DID YOU START WRITING? I've been a rapper longer than I've been a poet. Wrote my first rap in 2001, at 11 years old. Wrote my first poem in 2003. So I've been penning stuff down for a minute now. Which artists most inspire you, local and international? My hugest influence poetically has to be Nas. Nobody puts the "poetry" in "rhythm and poetry" better than he does. Other International acts I find inspiring are, Lupe Fia...