Why do I write? That is a question I have never asked myself. You’d think for a guy who’s been scribbling tales since he could write that would be the first thing he would have asked himself. However, at a subconscious level, I did know the reasons why I wrote. They ranged from the love of writing, to impressing girls, to just getting on people’s nerves. Throughout the last four years or so I have gone through some dramatic changes that have seen me take on a totally new world view on things. My writing has followed suit. You see, if you had asked me years ago what I would want to come out of my writing, I would probably have told you I wanted money and fame. To be hailed next to greats such as Stephen King, Robert Ludlum, J.R. Tolkien and so on. But now, I think different. I’ve shed the teenage fantasies and foolish ambitions. I want to be a writer of substance; someone whose works will challenge, provoke and important of all, lead people to Christ. (If you non-Christian, ple...