Why do I write?
That is a question I have never asked myself. You’d think for a guy who’s been scribbling tales since he could write that would be the first thing he would have asked himself. However, at a subconscious level, I did know the reasons why I wrote. They ranged from the love of writing, to impressing girls, to just getting on people’s nerves.
Throughout the last four years or so I have gone through some dramatic changes that have seen me take on a totally new world view on things. My writing has followed suit.
You see, if you had asked me years ago what I would want to come out of my writing, I would probably have told you I wanted money and fame. To be hailed  next to greats such as Stephen King, Robert Ludlum, J.R. Tolkien and so on. But now, I think different.
I’ve shed the teenage fantasies and foolish ambitions. I want to be a writer of substance; someone whose works will challenge, provoke and important of all, lead people to Christ. (If you non-Christian, please read on). I wouldn’t mind if on my death bed only ten people knew me as a writer, as long as my writing had an impact on those ten people then ladies and gentleman, I would go the grave a happy man.
You see, the world is witnessing a moral degradation on a scale never seen before in history. Violence is rife, sexual perversion seems to carry the day, truth is shunned, loved confused with lust and hatred is the emblem of society.  This movement has been amplified and championed by many in the entertainment industry, while some may stand by firm morals, it’s safe to say that a dastardly large number are chaperoning us into a new age of thought that will lead to all sorts of catastrophes.
I feel that as a man gifted with storytelling, (not writing, because I personally don’t think I am that good) I feel that it’s my duty to help quell the effects of this disease and possibly point people to the cure.
So, why do I write?
To expose deceit and showcase the truth and the light.


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