I stand on the other side of it,
Hoping it will fall—
This wall,
Keeping from the inner most parts of your soul,
Maybe you live by that—real men don’t cry,
Well, I don’t need you to be real,
I need you to be true,
I can't do us if there is no you,
If you cry me a river, I will drown in your love.
Honestly, sometimes the only motivation speech I need,
Is your fingers in between the spaces on mine,
Holding my hand when pain clouds the sight of my mind,
And the only soothing voice I need is your arms wrapping themselves around me,
Sharing the warmth of your love—
When the winter of failure dares to bury me in a coffin of ice,
So don’t you!
Don’t you dare say you love me, just look at me with those big eyes and let me dance in the sanctuary of being so wanted—
Death cannot afford the price tag to purchase me from the store of your life,
You said: “if you’re so vulnerable, how come I don’t see you cry?”
And I said, “Baby” * 2
I cry in the way I look at you walk away from me each time you leave,
I cry in the way I can’t focus on anything after we’ve had those big arguments were I love my ego more than I love you,
I cry in the way I can’t give you any breathing space when you give me the silent treatment—
Cause I want to suffocate you in my charm and presence,
Kill every doubt in your mind that I don’t love you—
And resurrect your confidence in me,
I cry in the way I act like a jerk each time I see you on the arm of another man,
Forgive me, I’m just tryna to steal the spot-light,
Handcuffed by your disappointment in me,
Arrested by your embarrassment,
And imprisoned in your memory,
Any space in your mind is worth doing the time,
And you said you’d know if I truly loved you—
If I was vulnerable and trusting enough to cry in front of you,
But I do cry, just not with tears running down my cheek,
But with the way my emotions bleed in your absence,
And maybe, and maybe the day you say: Luka, I love you—
I will cry with my eyes,
For I have dedicated my tears not to that which makes me sad, but to that which makes me happy above everything else.
Download the mp3 on: http://www.kountapoint.com/kp/downloads/singles/327-luka-i-cry
Download the mp3 on: http://www.kountapoint.com/kp/downloads/singles/327-luka-i-cry
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